Tuesday, July 3, 2018

J.S. Bach and the coulé de tierce melodique

I wrote this 15 years ago when I was a harpsichord doctoral student. If life had gone differently, I would probably have adapted it for publication. As it is, it's just been sitting in a box in the attic all these years. I don't know how much has changed in Baroque performance practice since I wrote this, but maybe someone might still find it interesting. After I wrote it, I sent it to Kenneth Gilbert who wrote back a complimentary note saying it was "of commanding interest" "raising points that appear never to have been properly discussed before, if at all, in print" and that he agreed with most of what I had to say.

J.S. Bach and the coulé de tierce melodique

Thursday, March 31, 2016

Slumber Sally

Lizzie is now in the "book"-writing stage.  Her latest is Slumber Sally, about Sally's first sleepover.  She had a few pages left over at the end, which she devoted to a preview of Slumber Sally 2: They Shall Once Again Have a Sleepover.  The sequel seems more promising than the first.  It is noon, and Sally has to wait until 6 for her friend Ellie to come over.  "I pass the time by watching TV then I decided to write a book about the wonders of the world."  "When we do go to bed we are going to keep a light on and read the books I wrote then we will read books from my bookshelf and then we will compare them.  After that we will go to bed and we will dream about tomorrow or dolphins or anything then we wake up even though we were at the exciting part of our dream."

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Arthur's Chamber Music Debut

A movement from a Haydn divertimento through Princeton String Academy.  He was listed on the program as "Gus Kim."

Monday, July 29, 2013

Arthur's 11th Birthday

Arthur celebrated his 11th birthday at Great Wolf Lodge Pocono.

There was a large dessert buffet, so we didn't do a cake -- we stuck his 11 candle on a cupcake and some mud pie.  We quietly sang Happy Birthday and he closed his eyes, clasped his hands, and really made a wish.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


by Lizzie Kim

We need a design for the place-
Daddy is the swimmer,
The four-year-old girl is the princess,
Stephen is the ninja,
We need something to cover us up when it's time-
Because it's a play

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Lizzie turned 4 today.  We took her to Build-A-Bear, where she built-a-dog: a princess costume (with Hello Kitty underwear)-wearing, iPhone-toting, basketball-playing dog.  She also took a birthday bubble bath.

We have started to throw away the kids' old toys in anticipation of the move.  We were sorry to see the Shape Turtle go, something that lasted through all three kids.  I didn't feel ready to toss out Arthur's mini-golf ball rack.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

The point of having this blog was to record stuff we want to remember.  What with Facebook and Picasa and all, we hardly ever use it.  But I want to remember that after reading Lizzie her bedtime books, right before we turn out the lights, she asks for, and we give her, a "no bad dreams" kiss, as she clutches her two bears, always in the same way, one in each arm.

Stephen has been sleeping with a Santa hat on.  Arthur is going through an annoying phase where he keeps saying stuff like he's tired of living, even though he is not in the least depressed.